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HAPRI is ranked 113th in top 2020 Social Policy Think Tanks by TTCSP

Updated: Apr 4, 2024

HAPRI is ranked 113th in top 2020 Social Policy Think Tanks and listed in top 2020 Best New Think Tanks by Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP).

2020 Top Social Policy Think Tanks
2020 Best New Think Tanks

TTCSP is conducted by the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, aiming to look at the role policy institutes play in governments and civil societies around the world. TTCSP examines the evolving role and character of public policy research organizations. Over the last 30 years, TTCSP has developed and led a series of global initiatives that have helped bridge the gap between knowledge and policy in critical policy areas such as international peace and security, globalization and governance, international economics, environmental issues, information and society, poverty alleviation and healthcare and global health. These international collaborative efforts are designed to establish regional and international networks of policy institutes and communities that improve policymaking while strengthening democratic institutions and civil societies around the world.

TTCSP works with leading scholars and practitioners from think tanks and universities and produces the annual Global Go To Think Tank Index that ranks the world’s leading think tanks in a variety of categories. The annual think Tank Index is used by academics, journalists, donors and the public to locate and connect with the leading centers of public policy research around the world. TTCSP’s goal is to increase the profile and performance of think tanks and raise the public awareness of the important role think tanks play in governments and civil societies around the globe.

What is a Think tank?

Think tanks are public policy research, analysis, and engagement organizations. They are organizations that generate policy-oriented research, analysis, and advice on domestic and international issues that enable policymakers and the public to make informed decisions about public policy issues. Think tanks may be affiliated with political parties, governments, interest groups, or private corporations or constituted as independent nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). These institutions often act as a bridge between the academic and policymaking communities, serving the public interest as an independent voice that translates applied and basic research into a language and form that is understandable, reliable, and accessible for policymakers and the public.

Top Social Policy Think Tanks is dedicated to the leading social policy institutions of the global community. The top think tanks in this category provide superior, innovative research and strategic analyses on topics about a wide array of social issues and challenges. These think tanks excel in research, analysis, and public engagement on a wide range of policy issues with the aim of advancing debate, facilitating cooperation between relevant actors, maintaining public support and funding, and improving the overall quality of life in one of the relevant countries.

Best New Think Tanks are think tanks that have been established in the last 24 months and are centers of excellence.

The Think Tank Index Process

Call for Expert Panel Members and Update of TTCSP Think Tank Database: April—August 2020

Round I: Nominations, September—October 2020 A call for Nominations was sent to over 8,100 think tanks and approximately 12,800 journalists, public and private donors, and policymakers worldwide.

Round II: Peer and Expert Rankings, October 2020 Think tanks with 10 or more nominations were placed in an electronic ranking survey. A letter announcing the second round was emailed to all the think tanks, journalists, public and private donors, and policymaker groups who agreed to participate in the process. Regional and Functional Expert Panels were used for every category. These specialists were consulted to help assure the quality and accuracy of the nominations before they were placed on the final rankings survey.

Round III: Expert Panel Selects 2020 Go To Think Tanks, November—December 2020 The members of the Expert Panel received information packets by email to facilitate the final selection process. Individuals who served on last year’s Expert Panel and those who were nominated this year were invited to serve on the 2020 Expert Panel. Experts from every region and functional area were represented on the Expert Panel. Panelists submitted their rankings and recommendations during December 2020.

2020 Global Go To Think Tank Report Launch: The 2020 Global Go-To Think Tank Rankings was released in New York, Washington D.C., and over 100 cities around the world on January 30, 2021.

Viet Nam is in top 10 countries in the world and top 4 Asia countries with the largest number of think tanks.

Countries with the Largest Number of Think Tanks



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