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Farmers’ livelihoods and adaptation in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: Current practices and policy implications

A recent study conducted by Dr. Tran Duc Dung and Dr. Tran Anh Thong provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by farmers in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD) and their adaptation strategies in response to climate change and hydrological alterations. This research, presented as a chapter in a book on the Mekong River Basin, offers a comprehensive analysis of the current practices and policy implications for sustainable agricultural development in the region.

The VMD, a crucial area for rice production and fisheries in Vietnam, is experiencing significant impacts from climate change and upstream development activities. The study highlights how these factors are affecting the livelihoods of farmers across different zones of the delta, including the upper delta floodplains and the coastal areas.

The Vietnamese Mekong Delta with two floodplains of the LXQ and the PoR. (The map reproduced from Tran, D.D., van Halsema, G., Hellegers, P.J.G.J., Hoang, L.P., Ludwig, F., 2019. Long-term sustainability of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta in question: an economic assessment of water management alternatives. Agricultural Water Management 223, 105703.

The researchers examine various farming systems prevalent in the VMD, ranging from rice-livestock systems to aquaculture practices. They discuss how these systems are evolving in response to environmental changes, such as altered flood regimes and increased salinity intrusion. The study also explores the adaptive capacity of farmers, noting their efforts to diversify crops, adopt new farming techniques, and seek alternative income sources.

Land use classification in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. (The map based on the original data provided by Southern Institute for Water Resources Planning.)

A key aspect of the research is its analysis of recent policy drivers, including the 2013 Mekong Delta Plan and Resolution 120, which aim to promote sustainable and climate-resilient development in the region. The authors discuss the implications of these policies on agricultural practices and livelihood strategies.

The study concludes by proposing adaptation measures and policy recommendations to enhance the resilience of farming communities in the VMD. These suggestions emphasize the importance of nature-based solutions, improved water management, and the need for flexible, context-specific approaches to agricultural development.

This research contributes valuable insights to the ongoing dialogue on climate change adaptation in delta regions and provides a foundation for future policy-making and development strategies in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.


  • Climate adaptation

  • Livelihood transformation

  • Agricultural diversification

  • Water management


Tran, D. D., Hoang, L. P., & Tran, T. A. (2024). Farmers’ livelihoods and adaptation in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: Current practices and policy implications. In The Mekong River Basin (pp. 527-558). Elsevier. 10.1016/B978-0-323-90814-6.00007-3


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