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A brief introduction to University of Economics HCMC

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

History of the University of Economics HCMC

According to Decision No 426/TTg issued by the Prime Minister on October 27th, 1976, Hồ Chí Minh City University of Economics was formed under the administration of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Vocational Education – the former name of the present Ministry of Education and Training (MoET).

In 1996, the Prime Minister issued Decision No 2819/GD-ĐT to merge the Hồ Chí Minh City University of Economics, the University of Finance - Accounting and the General University’s Faculty of Economics into the University of Economics as a member of Vietnam National - Hồ Chí Minh University (VNU-HCM).

In 2000, the Prime Minister signed the structural transform decision to detach the University of Economics from VNU-HCM into the University of Economics Hồ Chí Minh City (UEH) under the administration of the MoET.

UEH is a multi-disciplinary university with various levels and modes of education, from bachelor to PhDs. UEH’s teaching staff have all been trained from high reputation institutes all over the world. Annually, there is a large enrolment number of students that makes UEH become one of the largest Vietnamese universities in the field of economics and business administration.

The UEH’s primary objective is to provide policymakers, administrators, and experts in economics and business administration. Besides, UEH is also a center for scientific research that focuses on the economic discovery, analysis, and consulting in the process of development of Vietnam as well as contribution to economic theories.

Cooperation with domestic and foreign universities is always highly concerned so that UEH could gradually integrate into the international academic and scientific network, meeting nationally economic development demands.

Up to now, UEH is one of 14 key universities in Vietnam. Since 1976, UEH has trained about tens of thousands of qualified and prestigious officers, economists, administrators from undergraduate to post-graduate levels. With excellent achievements during more than 35 years of establishment and development, UEH has been awarded many honors from the State and the Government. Especially, UEH is one of 4 state-owned universities to be given greater autonomy by the Vietnamese Government in 2014 and is a member of “the Best 1,000 Business Schools” in the world.


The University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) is dedicated to excellence both in offering students a broad range of high-quality academic programs in Economics Science, Business, Management, Law; and applying the results of scientific research directly into real-world situations, making pivotal contributions to the labor force development for the national industrialization and modernization in the context of global economic integration.


By the year 2020, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) will become a research, training, and consultation center in Economics, Business, Management, and Law, on par with other prestigious higher education institutions in Asia. Our university aims to provide the best higher education and research environment with the highest standards of professionalism to our students, ensuring that our graduates with being fully capable of competing and adapting to the global economy.

Core values

  • Understand the needs of students and society.

  • Transfer results of scientific research to other organizations and corporates.

  • Develop highly professional, dynamic, responsible, and ethical staff and faculty.

  • Encourage a creative application of technology in the working, teaching, and learning environments.

Common goals

Implement the advanced curriculum to catch up with regional standards of higher education and reach world-class higher education trends; promote academic research and continually modernize and professionalize the university management and governance.

Campuses and facilities

  • Campus A: 59C Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 6, Dist. 3, HCMC

  • Campus B: 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong, Ward 5, Dist. 10, HCMC

  • Campus C: 91, 3/2 Street, Ward 11, Dist. 10, HCMC

  • Campus D: 196, Tran Quang Khai, Tan Dinh Ward, Dist. 1, HCMC

  • Campus E: 54, Nguyen Van Thu, Dakao Ward, Dist. 1, HCMC

  • Campus H: 1A Hoang Dieu, Ward 10, Phu Nhuan Dist., HCMC

  • Campus I: 17 Pham Ngoc Thach, Ward 6, Dist. 3, HCMC

  • Campus K: 144 Truong Dinh Hoi, Ward 16, Dist. 8, HCMC

  • Campus L: 311 – 319 Gia Phu, Ward 1, Dist. 6, HCMC

  • Dormitories: a. 135 Tran Hung Dao, Cau Ong Lanh Ward, Dist.1, HCMC b. 43 – 45 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Ward 9, Dist.5, HCMC

  • Library: 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong, Ward 5, Dist. 10, HCMC

  • UEH Guest House: 232/6 Vo Thi Sau, Ward 7, Dist. 3, HCMC

  • Campus in City South: Area 15, Nguyen Van Linh, Binh Chanh Dist., HCMC

  • Campus in Vinh Long province: 1B Nguyễn Trung Trực, Ward 8, Vĩnh Long City

Organizational structure

  1. University’s Council

  2. Board of Management a. Management Departments b. Administration Office c. Dept. of Personnel d. Dept. of Administration – Int’l Relations Research e. Dept. of Training Management - Student Affairs f. Dept. of In-Service Training Management g. School of Graduate h. International School of Business i. Dept. of Comm. and Public Relations j. Dept. of Scheduling - Testing k. Dept. of Quality Assurance - Curriculum Development l. Dept. of Political Affairs m. Dept. of Finance - Accounting n. Dept. of Information Technology o. Dept. of Facilities p. Dept. of Inspectorate

  3. Schools and Faculties a. School of Economics b. School of Management c. School of Int’l Business - Marketing d. School of Public Finance e. School of Finance f. School of Banking g. School of Accounting h. School of Econ. Mathematics – Statistics i. School of Business Information Technology j. School of Political Studies k. School of Law l. School of Government m. School of Foreign Languages for Economics n. School of Tourism o. Faculty of Physical Training

  4. Student Services a. Library b. Centre for Student Assistance c. Office of the Communist Party and Socio-Political Organizations d. Centre for Entrepreneur Development e. UEH Publishing House f. Board of Constructional Projects Management g. Medical Centre

  5. Scientific, Technological and Economic Information Bodies a. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies b. UEH Institute of Innovation c. Institute of Human Resources Development Research d. Institute of Development Economics Research e. Institute of Public Policy f. International Language and Country Studies Institute g. Economy and environment partnership in Southeast Asia h. Institute of Business Research i. Institute of Applied Mathematics j. Health and Agricultural Policy Research Institute k. Institute of Financial Technology l. Centre for Database - Economic analysis m. Centre for Excellence in Management and Development

  6. Companies and Services a. Economic Book, Co. Ltd. b. Printing Press, Co. Ltd.

  7. Political - Social organizations a. Office of Communist Party b. Labor Union c. Youth Union - Student Association

  8. Centers, Programs, Projects cooperating with foreign universities a. Fulbright Economics Teaching Program b. CFVG - France Vietnamese Centre For Management Education c. Vietnam – The Netherlands Program d. Vietnam – The New Zealand Program

  9. UEH Alumni Association



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